How Does It Work?

How Does It Work?
Unlike traditional cigarettes, E-Cigarette does NOT need flame to be able start enjoying the pleasures of smoking. Appearance and taste wise, it is not any different from a real cigarette not to mention the same emotional feeling you get from using it. It is by far the safer and healthier substitute to tobacco smoking. No more harmful side effects, a better life for you and your loved ones.

The secret lies within the Electronic Cigarette’s structure. It is composed of a cartridge, a sensor or the smart chip, an atomization chamber, and a lithium battery with an LED that simulates the glowing of a real cigarette. The cartridge, which also serves as the mouthpiece, is a small tube resembling a traditional cigarette’s filter, it contains a cotton-like material diluted with nicotine, propylene glycol and flavor. The magic happens inside the atomization chamber, when a user inhales though the mouthpiece, the heating element is activated though a sensor, vapor-like smoke is produced the same way you get from smoking a real cigarette, the only difference is that it is harmless. The smoke or the vapor that is created is a result of the diluted nicotine cartridge being broken down into very fine particles or vaporization by means of the heating element powered by the lithium battery controlled by the sensor. At the opposite end of the device, the LED also lights up simulating the glow or burning effect just like a real cigarette, it is also an indicator of use. When the smoke that is coming out has significantly reduced, it means it needs to be replaced. Each package of our Electronic Cigarettes contains ten (10) extra cartridges. Same goes with the lithium battery, if the device has stopped functioning, it means it needs recharging. You may recharge the battery using the supplied car, usb and wall charger.
Using this product, you get the exact same satisfaction and fulfilment of your nicotine urges and cravings without worrying about lung cancer and other dreaded disease you may acquire from tobacco smoking. So enjoy smoking and live a healthy life!